We met my friend Amo Amo and her family at central. I loved this entire buildings façade and the animated tale it told. It was already worth the trip for item one!
🍩We did the exhibits from central station to darling harbour.
🍩There were free Krispy Kremes at central!
🍩Drawing with water on moisture sensitive LED panels & seeing the kids start to become friends.
🍩Stepping across stones in the water with Arthur.
🍩Stopping at Tumbalong park for some hard rock JJJ songs.
Jeanette Winterson - AI and humankind. I believe in conclusion she was recommended everyone use their creativity to use AI as a tool to help improve things for everyone. She likes to think of AI as Alternative Intelligence and a way to think differently about the problems that we need to work on.
Just a couple of Vivid light exhibits tonight. It was crowded at Barangaroo. Being Saturday night and late.
We luckily eventually found a delicious Hong Kong restaurant and had some bbq duck and rice.
I finished the day with a late night cabaret show at Mary's Underground.
After climbing 666 steps to the top of the harbour bridge apparently I wanted to climb a few more.
I met a lady in a dark park corner who gave me some headphones and I then wandered around the historic sites in The Rocks. It was kind of a blend of environmental impact, geology & ancient land formations, aboriginal history, dream time stories. A lovely journey through some hidden spots I would not have thought to go to myself.
The Travelling Artist
I will create content about
🎨Travel Art Journalling
🎨Scrapbooking your trip
🎨Keeping a holiday diary
🎨Phone Photography
🎨Digital Memory Keeping
🎨Journey Planning